animated graphic of the WSO shield symbol
animated graphic of the WSO shield symbol

World Stealth Organization

The World Stealth Organization (WSO) is the most secret organization in the world. There is no corner of the world in which its tentacles do not reach. Yet world leaders live in abject fear of revealing a single snippet of information that would alert the public to its existence – and they benefit from this diabolical secrecy. The concealment is a conspiracy so profound, so irreversible, that every president, every prime minister and even the United Nations itself denies its very existence.

The WSO is not listed in any public records. Its funding, whose trail extends to more than 100 countries and most certainly includes members of The G9 – is totally unaccountable. Tearing the cloak that surrounds the WSO would be to invite ruthless and unremitting retribution.

It will never be written – the number of men and women who have lost their lives in attempts to betray the organization.

stealth jet featuring W S O markings

stealth jet in flight with W S O markings visibleWSO membership is estimated to be over 100,000 of the world's most powerful, influential and wealthy individuals. Among its clandestine members are high ranked officers of armies, air forces, navies and security forces across the globe. Also within are some of the world's most powerful politicians, business leaders, and the one percent. This is where the true effective global power lies.

The WSO has little apparent visible infrastructure, bases, airfields or military assets. Their assets are embedded seamlessly within the forces of countless military units both here and internationally. Yet so vast is its arsenal that collectively it is widely believed to comprise one of the world's five most formidable armed forces. But with the decisive advantage of invisibility. At times of extreme danger and crisis – at such times the unparalleled force and intelligence resources of the World Stealth Organization ignites into full-scale action. A reaction where revenge is pervasive and retribution is total.

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World Stealth Organization

© 2001-16 World Stealth Organization   All rights reserved.

alarm clock

Unverified information about the World Stealth Organization™.

It is mirrored in the public interest from mobile stealth servers in Tora Bora via the dark web.

Part of the Alarm Media entertainment & business network.

Reports about the World Stealth Organization (WSO) can be read in Loungecast.

The WSO is widely believed to be based on Fear Island in the Tortoise Islands.

This site is a commercial partner of BrandableDomain – short, memorable and brandable domain names for sale.

Website by ClickAsAFlash

This site had its origins at TurtlePortal

This site is entirely fictitious!

World Stealth Organization™ is a trademark of Click as a Flash.

© 2001-16 David Tyrer All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE. All material on this site is purely fictitious. Any resemblance to any living person is entirely accidental and unintentional. Apart from any fair dealing for genuine review purposes (which must include the URL: no part of this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Copying is solely permitted for personal use. The right of David Tyrer to be identified as the author of this work is asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The World Stealth Organization site shall not be re-transmitted, printed, lent or otherwise circulated without the written permission of the copyright holder, and shall not under any circumstances have these conditions waived for any recipient. The artistic integrity of the work contained herein may not be altered or repurposed in any way, shape or form without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright in some images resides with various photo libraries. Copyright in many photos or montage sources resides with istockphoto™ and Nova Development Corporation™. All images, text, stories, movies, animations, flash and audio are presented for viewing purposes only and may not be repurposed in any shape or form. No part of art, text, concepts, stories, audio, logos, movies, intellectual property or trademarks may be saved, resold or reproduced in any way with the exception of making personal copies that may not be posted online. This site may contain audio and supplementary page(s) may contain Flash™ animation. (Flash is a trademark of Adobe® Systems, Inc. The Flash player can be downloaded from Any brand names mentioned on this site are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Text, content and information presented on this site is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or any other form of advice, and is solely intended as fiction, entertainment, humor and satire. World Stealth Organization™ is a trademark of Click as a Flash™. Click as a Flash's registered Australian Business Number is ABN 62 188 088 529.
© David Tyrer 2001-16.